Parteneri externi
Parteneriatele încheiate de Facultatea de Științe cu mediul de afaceri contribuie semnificativ la dezvoltarea unor produse și servicii inovative în domenii de maximă actualitate. Totodată, studenții Facultății noastre participă activ la derularea activității agenților economici prin stagii de practică de specialitate, sub îndrumarea managerilor și profesorilor. Partenerii noștri sunt:
ISS-Consult SRL (based in Romania – Bacau) is an international company, highly active in the global IT market. Having active partners in Belgium, UK, USA, Egypt and India, we are enabling development of innovative products and technologies in different markets globally. Our team members can count on being active in the latest technologies and professional training. ISS-Consult is the biggest and most valuable offshore development workforce collective in the region. |
Softescu is focusing on creating and hosting portals with a online community component and integration of online social networks suitable for Enterprise 2.0 and Social Web 2.0 experiences. Softescu uses Drupal for it's community-oriented portals and services |
SCC, Europe’s largest independent technology solutions provider, is the technology brand of Rigby Group plc the 13th largest privately owned business in the UK and winner of the UK Family Business of the Year. As both the marketplace and technologies get ever more complex, businesses are demanding a profitable return on infrastructure investment. We are continuing to make significant investments in improved services and better ways to deliver what our customers really want. |