Subdepartment of English Language and Literature

Professor Elena BONTA, PhD

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1. Contemporary English Language (Lexicology); 2. Verbal communication; 3. Discursive practices. Verbal interactions; 4. The Pragmatics of Conversational Discourse; 5. English language. Self-referential communication practices; 6. Communication and interactive structures


Associate Professor Elena CIOBANU, PhD habil.

Elena Ciobanu

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1. English Literature (Modern and Contemporary Poetics and Modern Poetry); 2. English Literature (Old Literature, Renaissance Literature and the Baroque Period); 3. American Literature; 4. History of English Language; 5. Discursive Constructions of Identity; 6. Discursive Practices in the Virtual Environment; 7. Writing Patterns


Associate Professor Mihaela CULEA, PhD


Culea Mihaela

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1. English Literature (Enlightenment and Romanticism); 2. English Culture and Civilization; 3. Communication Practices in the European Space; 4. Interculturality and Anglophone Horizon


Associate Professor Nadia-Nicoleta MORĂRAŞU, PhD habil.

Head of Department

Morarasu Nadia

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1. Stilistica engleză; 2. Limba engleză contemporană (sintaxa propoziţiei şi a frazei); 3. Limba engleză prin actul numirii; 4. Teoria și practica traducerii. 5. Registre şi stiluri ale limbii engleze


Senior Lecturer Gabriela ANDRIOAI-GRIGORAȘ, PhD

Department representative responsible for research and international relations 

Telibasa Gabriela

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 1. Technical English; 2. Contemporary English Language 


Senior Lecturer Cătălina-Dumitriţa BĂLINIŞTEANU-FURDU, PhD

Balinisteanu Catalina

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1. English Literature; 2. English Language Practice


Senior Lecturer Mariana TÎRNĂUCEANU, PhD

Department representative responsible for financial management

Mariana Tirnauceanu

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1. Contemporary English Language (Time, Temporality; Mood, Modality); 2. Contemporary English Language (Phonetics and Phonology); 3. Argumentative practices


Subdepartment of French Language and Literature

Professor Veronica-Loredana BALAN, PhD habil.

Head of the Doctoral School Council 

Grecu Veronica

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1. French Literature (Literature of the Middle Ages and Renaissance); 2. French Literature (Classicism and Enlightenment); 3. History of French Language; 4. French Literature (Evolution of Literary Currents); 5. Varieties of French Language in Texts; 6. Initiation in the Scientific Research Methodology; 7. France: Modern Socio-Cultural Space


Associate Professor Simina MASTACAN, PhD 

Mastacan Simina

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1. Contemporary French Language (Syntax of Phrase); 2. Contemporary French Language (Sentence Syntax and the Modalized Phrase); 3. Translations: Intercultural Perspectives; 4. The Pragmatics of Discourse; 5. Argumentative Practices


Associate Professor Maricela STRUNGARIU, PhD

Department representative responsible for quality management

Strungariu Maricela

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1. French Literature (1900-1950); 2. French Literature (1950-1980); 3. French Culture and Civilization; 4. French Literature (the 19th Century); 5. The Subjective Discourse as a Communication Practice; 6. Reading Strategies




Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures (DFLL)