Terms and Conditions


Alma Mater Publishing House is the Publishing House of the “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău, based in Calea Mărășești no. 157, 600115, Bacău which is represented by Prof. Dr. eng. Carol SCHNAKOVSKY, as Rector.

Books and services - any product (book) or service (postal), including products and services from the order, to be provided to the buyer.

Buyer - any person over the age of 16 or a legal person who places an order.

Content - represents: information on the site that can be visited, viewed or otherwise accessed using electronic equipment; content sent by e-mail to buyers by the seller; information related to the books and / or services and / or rates charged by the seller during a certain period; data on the seller. 

Contract - a distance contract between the seller and the buyer, without the simultaneous physical presence of the seller and the buyer.

Document - these terms and conditions.

Order - an electronic document accepted as a form of communication between the seller and the buyer, through which the buyer expresses his intention to purchase products from this site.

Specifications - all specifications and / or descriptions of books and services as specified in their description.

Seller - Alma Mater Publishing House


2.1. By sending an order, the buyer agrees with the form of communication (by phone or e-mail) through which Alma Mater Publishing House carries out its operations

2.2. The notification sent by e-mail by Alma Mater Publishing House to the buyer after the latter has placed an order has the role of informing / confirming the receipt of the order and does not represent the acceptance of the order.

2.3. For justified reasons, Alma Mater Publishing House has the right to change the number of books in the order with prior notice, by e-mail or telephone of the buyer

2.4. The contract between Alma Mater Publishing House and the buyer is considered concluded when the buyer receives from the Publishing House, by e-mail, the notification of sending the order.

2.5. The document and the information provided on the site will be the basis of the contract, the buyer will receive by e-mail, after registering the order, a message announcing the approval of the order and a message announcing its shipment.


3.1. Access to place an order is allowed to any used / buyer.

3.2. Communication with Alma Mater Publishing House is made by using the data mentioned in the "Contact" section of the Site. Alma Mater Publishing House is free to manage the information received without providing justification.

3.3. All rates for books and / or services are expressed in lei and include VAT.

3.4. The information used to describe the books and / or services available on the site (images, presentations etc.) are used exclusively as a presentation and do not represent a contractual obligation of Alma Mater Publishing House.


4.1. The content on the site (including but not limited to logos, images, text etc.) is the exclusive property of the Publisher.

4.2. It is not permitted to copy, distribute, publish, transfer, modify and / or alter, use, display in any context other than that intended by Alma Mater Publishing House

4.3. Any content to which the buyer / user has and / or obtains access by any means, is subject to these Terms and Conditions

4.4. Buyer / user may copy, transfer and / or use content only for personal, non-commercial purposes and only if they do not conflict with any contractual obligations of these Terms and Conditions

4.5. The content transmitted to the buyer / customer, by any means of communication or acquired by accessing, visiting and / or viewing the website of Alma Mater Publishing House does not represent any contractual obligation on the part of the Publishing House.

4.6. Use of site content for purposes other than those permitted by these Terms and Conditions is prohibited.


5.1. The buyer can place orders by contacting the Alma Mater Publishing House directly (visiting the Publishing House) or by e-mail or phone. Books / courses / guides / journals are available for purchase to the extent that they are either in stock or printable.

5.2. By placing the order, the buyer agrees that the data provided, necessary for the purchase process, are correct, complete and true at the time of placing the order and agrees to be contacted by Alma Mater Publishing House by any means available.

5.3. Alma Mater Publishing House may cancel the order placed by a buyer, following prior notice, without any subsequent obligation on the part of either party or without any party being able to claim damages from the other party, if: the data provided by the buyer, are incomplete and / or incorrect; the ordered products are no longer in stock and, for objective reasons, cannot be reprinted.

5.4. The buyer has the right to return the ordered products within 14 calendar days. Returned products must be in the same condition in which they were received. The buyer must prove that the products have reached him in a damaged condition. Return costs are supported by the buyer. The refund of the products value will be made within 30 days from return.

5.5. This clause is applicable in accordance with O.G. 130/2000 art. 2 lett. e.


6.1. Alma Mater Publishing House will maintain the information confidentiality of any kind received from the Buyer. Disclosure of the provided information may be made only in the cases mentioned in these Terms and Conditions.

6.2. Buyer may not make any public statement, promotion, press release or any other means of disclosure to third parties regarding the order without the prior written consent of Alma Mater Publishing House.


7.1. The products prices practiced by Alma Mater Publishing House include VAT according to law.

7.2. The price, the method of payment and the term of payment are brought to the attention of the buyer by Alma Mater Publishing House directly, by phone or by e-mail in response to the request of information on the ordered products. Alma Mater Publishing House, through the Accounting Service within the “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău, issues to the buyer an invoice for the ordered products, the buyer being obliged to provide the information necessary to issue the invoice according to the legislation.

7.3. After approving the order, Alma Mater Publishing House sends the corresponding invoice to the buyer, in the package with the ordered products, to the address mentioned by the buyer. The invoice includes the products sold by Alma Mater Publishing House and the services related to the order (transport).


8.1. Alma Mater Publishing House ensures the proper packaging of the products and the transmission of the accompanying documents.

8.2. Alma Mater Publishing House delivers products and services only in Romania.


9.1. Ownership of the products will be transferred upon delivery and after payment has been made by the buyer.


10.1. Alma Mater Publishing House cannot be held liable for any damages that the buyer may suffer as a result of the Publishing House fulfilling any of its obligations under the order, nor for the loss of the products.

10.2. For notifications or complaints related to the purchased products, the buyer has at his disposal the e-mail address almamater@ub.ro. Complaints or notifications will be resolved within 30 calendar days from receipt.


11.1. Neither party shall be liable for non-performance of its contractual obligations if such failure to perform on time and / or properly, in whole or in part, is due to a major force event. Major force is the unpredictable event, beyond the control of the parties and which cannot be avoided.


12.1. This contract is subject to Romanian law. Any disputes between Alma Mater Publishing House and users / buyers will be settled amicably or, if this is not possible, by the competent Romanian courts.