Alma Mater" publishing house participated in the Technical-Scientific, Artistic and Literary Book Fair May 26-28, 2022
"Alma Mater" publishing house participated in the Technical-Scientific, Artistic and Literary Book Fair within the European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation EUROINVENT 2022 which was held in Iași between May 26-28, 2022.
Following the evaluation of the participating titles, the following were awarded:
- Diploma of Gold Medal for the book Aspecte privind deformarea plastică incrementală în punct a tablelor metalice (Crina Maria RADU, Carol SCHNAKOVSZKY, Eugen HERGHELEGIU)
- Diploma of Silver Medal for the book Proiectarea structurilor configurabile și programabile (Dan ROTAR)
- Diploma of Silver Medal for the book Studiul ihtiofaunei în bazinul superior și mijlociu al râului Mureș (Teodora Ramona PINTILIEASA, Dorel URECHE (Coord.))
- Diploma of Bronze Medal for the book Inegalități (Manuela GÎRȚU, Alina-Mihaela PATRICIU)
- Diploma of Bronze Medal for the book Teoria numerelor. Exerciții și probleme (Marcelina MOCANU)
- Diploma of Excellence for the book Dicționar de comparații (Nadia Nicoleta MORĂRAȘU)
- Diploma of Gold Medal for the scientific journal Studii și Cercetări Științifice. Seria Chimie și Inginerie Chimică, Biotehnologii, Industria Alimentară
- Diploma of Silver Medal for the scientific journal Journal of Engineering Studies and Research
- Diploma of Excellence for the scientific journal Studii și Cercetări Științifice. Seria Filologie
- Diploma of Excellence for the scientific journal Cultural Perspectives
- Diploma of Excellence for the scientific journal Interstudia
- Diploma of Excellence for the scientific journal Studii și Cercetări Științifice. Seria Biologie
- Diploma of Excellence for the scientific journal Journal of Innovation in Psychology, Education and Didactics
- Diploma of Excellence for the scientific journal Gymnasium - Scientific Journal of Education, Sports and Health