Mission and objectives

The main mission of “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău in the field of research within the academic activities is represented by the activities connected to the development of the scientific research, development, innovation, assistance and technological transfer.

The general objectives of the research activities take into account both national and international trends and regional particularities as well as the specific necessities of the university and they aim at:

  • Developing the research coordinate at the national and international standards and in accordance with the decisions which will be taken by the Ministry of Education and by the National Authority of Scientific Research.
  • Developing strong research groups which will develop competitive research activities and promoting at least two research groups which exist in the university towards the level of excellence centres.
  • Integrating our own research groups in national and international research consortia.
  • Continuously supporting the activity for supplementing and modernizing the research facilities.
  • Approaching research themes aimed at solving issues imposed by the current requirements and perspectives in relation to both the development of the Romanian society and global aspects.
  • Increasing the number and quality of research programmes and projects carried out by our research groups with the purpose of raising substantial funds for supporting the scientific research activity.
  • Financially supporting the improvement of young teachers’ training in their research activities through research stays and visits within some acclaimed research centres on a national and international level.
  • Financially supporting the activities for exploiting the results of the scientific research done by the teachers who members of the research groups such as: attending prestigious scientific events, publishing works in prestigious journals (at a national and international level), publishing books in national and international publishing houses.
  • Making groups of researchers interested in performing competitive activities by using the results of their scientific research as basic criteria for the teachers’ evaluation at the level of the departments, faculties and the university as a whole.
  • Increasing students’ interest in the activity of scientific research by integrating them in the research groups, reorganizing scientific students’ circles, formulating topics for the graduation papers and the dissertations that would include research activities.