
The management system involves a great number of academic staff in the activities of the academic community; the top management is made up of persons with experience in management positions as well as of young members of the academic staff (under 40 years of age).

The strategy of the University is to provide the conditions for as large autonomy as possible in the academic, research, and human resources domains at the levels of the departments and faculties, in compliance with the strategic framework established at the University level.

The University has carried out its strategic plans elaborated in the taking of current decisions and of the medium-term, and long-term ones. The University executes The Strategic Plan for 2012-2015. The plan contains the mission and the strategic objective, development strategies – measures and actions for carrying out the strategic objectives. The strategic objectives of the University, for this period, are: the consolidation and development of the bachelor's degree study programmes, master's degree study programmes, doctoral studies programmes, and of postgraduate studies; the modernization of the academic programmes, and the improvement of the educational and training process in line with national and international standards; the development of the activities of scientific and technological research with the aim of integrating the University at national and international level; the development of cooperation relationships with Romanian and foreign partners; the modernization of academic and administrative management and ensuring decision-making transparency; the modernization of the human resources management; the modernization and optimization of the financial management; the improvement of the quality assurance system in its entire activity; the development and the modernization of the infrastructure of the University and of student services; the improvement of the University image.

The quality assurance policy at „Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău is transparent, like all its policy and strategy documents, it is presented publicly, and assumed through the Rector's Declaration. The entire activity of the University is executed in line with the principle plan, do, check and act. In order the achieve this, the University has opted for the documentation, implementation, and certification of an integrated management system: quality, environment, occupational safety and health (IMS) and of social responsibility. As of December 2010, the integrated management system of „Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău is certified in accordance with IWA 2:2009, ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2005, OHSAS 18001:2008, and SA 8000:2008. As of 2012, the ISO 22000 certification is in force.