ISBN/ISSN/CIP Publication Procedure


The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a unique international standard number consisting of 13 digits grouped into 5 segments, separated by a hypen, with the following meanings:

  • 978 - segment that allows the identification of books at international level;
  • 973 and 606 - segments that identify Romanian publishers; represents the country code and indicates the national, linguistic (publisher's) or geographical group;
  • publishing code - variable lenght segment (depending on the number of published works) that identifies the editor;
  • control digit - the last digit of the ISBN code; checks the validity of ISBN code.

ISBN has no legal value and does not protect copyright.

In Romania, the ISBN codes are granted by the National ISBN Center established in 1989 which, since 1996, operates at the National Library of Romania

Alma Mater Publishing House complies with the rules imposed by the National ISBN Center and usually assigns ISBN codes for:

  • printed books and brochures (a document is considered to be a brochure if it has less than 48 pages);
  • electronic books and brochures in physical format (CD-ROM, DVD-ROM) or online.

If necessary, Alma Mater Publishing House may grant ISBN codes for other types of documents if these are included in the categories mentioned by the National ISBN Center.


The International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) code is a unique, standardized international code consisting of two segments of 4-digit (in some cases the last character - the control digit - can be X), separated by a hyphen

The ISSN-L code (link ISSN code) links the editions published on different media (print, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, online) for the same serial publication.

The ISSN code has no legal value and does not confer exclusivity on the title to which it has been assigned.

In Romania, ISSN codes are granted by the ISSN National Center, which, since 1990, has been operating also at the National Library of Romania.

Alma Mater Publishing House complies with the rules imposed by the ISSN National Center and usually requests ISSN codes for:

  • serial publications: scientific journals, student journals, school and preschool journals;
  • volumes of scientific events held regularly. 

If necessary, Alma Mater Publishing House may request ISSN codes for other types of serial publications included in the categories mentioned by the National ISSN Center.


CIP description (Cataloging In Publication) is made by CIP National Center and is sent to the Pbulishing Houses to be printed exactly (with exact observance of the form including punctuation, order of bibliographic and complementary elements whitout aligining the text) on the back of the paper title page.

Alma Mater Publishing House complies with the rules imposed by the CIP National Center and usually requests CIP descriptions for:

  • specialized works;
  • monographs;
  • volumes of occasional scientific events.

If necessary, Alma Mater Publishing House may also request CIP descriptions for other types of publications if they are mentioned by CIP National Center as being able to receive such descriptions.


Alma Mater Publishing House assumes the responsibility of complying with the legal stipulations and, from the first edition of any manuscript or journal published, it sends the minimum number of copies mentioned in Law 111/1995 on the Legal Deposit of Documents.