

 fcb 01 

STUD 2023

scoala viitorului 2023

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Colloque francophone PLUridisciplinaire sur les Matériaux, l’Environnement et l’Electronique




The Faculty of Engineering was established by the Ministry of Education and Research in 1976 and is part of the network of Romanian public technical universities.

Since 1990, the faculty has been improving its educational offer by introducing new bachelor and master fields and study programmes. Currently, there are 14 bachelor study programmes in 10 engineering fields and 12 master programmes. Additionally, the Faculty of engineering has developed, since 1999, different courses and certifications. 

The faculty has teaching and research laboratories for all the disciplines of the curricula and research centres.

The Faculty of Engineering has a highly qualified academic staff

  • 9 professors
  • 15 associate professors
  • 23 lecturers
  • 2 assistant lecturers

Their high competence has been proved by the results they have obtained in teaching as well as in research. They have a national and international reputation. Both teaching staff and students participate in different international - mostly European - collaborative teaching and research-development programmes. The research activity is conducted by research centres accredited by internal procedures. Many of them have been evaluated and recognized as research centres by The National Council of Scientific University Research.