Welcome to the home page of the Pre- and In-Service Teacher Training Department Bacău!
The Pre- and In-Service Teacher Training Department (D.P.P.D.), as a institutional structure of the “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău, was founded on the basis of the Order of the Minister of National Education no. 4148/13.07.1998. Following evaluations by specialized committees, the psycho-pedagogical study programmes offered by the D.P.P.D. have been accredited by approval of the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS) no. 6452/14.12.2007 and reaccredited by the ARACIS approval no. 573/20.02.2014. The approval of the ARACIS Council from 20.02.2014 credits the D.P.P.D. module with the mark of confidence and continuation of the quality of institution providing psycho-pedagogical training programmes for certifying the competences for the teaching profession.
Functioning in accordance with the law, the D.P.P.D. offers psycho-pedagogical training programmes, accredited by the Ministry of National Education, through the ARACIS procedures. The D.P.P.D. also functions according to a Regulation of Organization and Operation, approved by the Senate of “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău, and maintains, in conducting the initial and lifelong training programmes it offers, the status and rights previously acquired, in compliance with Law no. 1/2011 and the Frame Methodology approved on the basis of the Order of the Minister of Education no. 5745/13.09.2012 (cf. OMECTS nr. 5745/13.09.2012). As a specialized psycho-pedagogical profile department, the D.P.P.D. has its own methodology for organizing psycho-pedagogical training programmes, approved by the Senate of “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău, which aims at ensuring the initial training of students and graduates, as well as at certifying the competences specific to the teaching profession.
The initial training for occupying teaching positions in pre-university education comprises specialized and psycho-pedagogical theoretical and practical study programmes conducted by universities as part of the accredited bachelor and certification degrees, didactic post-graduate degrees, as well as a teaching practice stage under the guidance of a mentor. The psycho-pedagogical training programmes organized and conducted by the D.P.P.D. have distinct curricula for Level I, as well as Level II of the certification of the competences for the teaching profession.
On the basis of the Methodology approved by the Ministry of National Education, the D.P.P.D. provides lifelong training for the teaching staff from pre-university education, by organizing programmes for scientific, psycho-pedagogical and methodological professional improvement, as well as examinations for professional upgrading through the didactic degrees II and I. The lifelong education and training of the teaching, leading, guidance and control staff from pre-university education comprises professional development and career evolution, which is achieved through examinations for certifying the various levels of scientific, psycho-pedagogical, methodological, management, psycho-social competences, materialized in the didactic degrees II and I. The psycho-pedagogical study programmes of initial and lifelong training of the D.P.P.D. comply with the professional standards for the teaching positions, being approved by the Ministry of National Education and accredited by ARACIS, in compliance with the law.
The D.P.P.D. ensures the implementation and development of fundamental and applied scientific research in the domains of the sciences of education, the psychology of learning, teaching-learning-evaluation strategies, innovations in educational theory and practice. The D.P.P.D. promotes fundamental and applied scientific research in the domain through research grants, consultancy, scientific meetings, publication of journals, courses, handbooks, books and teaching practice guides, special volumes of scientific studies and research etc. The Department ensures a constantly improved efficiency of fundamental and applied scientific research in the domain of lifelong learning through partnerships with similar institutions from the country and abroad.